Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Did That Just Happen?

I was excited to start out yesterday with a little happy news...and some pretty unbelievable news at that!!  My layout "Confessions of a Scrapbook Addict" was chosen as the Featured Project at Two Peas!!  I did this page as one of my DT layouts for ScrapFIT, based on Diana Fisher's sketch!  I really liked the way it turned out in the end and decided to load it to my Two Peas Gallery...not every layout I do, makes that cut!!  :)  So I was pretty excited when it ended up being Featured yesterday!!

Here's the full page again, just in case you missed yesterday's post for ScrapFIT!!

And thanks to everyone who stopped by and left a comment for me at Two Peas!!  I love having such great scrappy friends and it's awesome that we can all support one another in our scrappy addictive-ness!!!  :)


  1. Saw this LO on 2peas but didn't know it was yours... Really liked how you scrapped it. Congrats on being featured.

  2. Wooooooooooo hooooooooooooooo!! That's AWESOME!! CONGRATS!!!!!!

  3. Congrats, Ashley - this is an amazing LO and the feature well deserved!! ~ Blessings, Tracey


  4. First of all, congrats! I saw this layout and the first thing that caught my eye are those awesome woodgrain arrow strips! L.O.V.E. This layout brings out so much of your personality and shows your love for scrapbooking!

  5. Congrats on your feature! Well deserved :)
