Friday, March 25, 2011

Wishful Thinking

Normally, I like to do all of the photos from one event or activity all on the same lo.  But I loved this one photo of my middle daughter so much, that I decided it needed it's own lo.  I have to admit that usually these "behind" shots are my favorite, because they are not making a crazy face or squinting because the sun is in their eyes.  :)  I went for a much more layered look on this one than I usually do...mostly because of the time it takes.  I don't like spending more than at least an hour and a half on a lo and this one was a work in progress over 4 days.  I designed the circles in my desktop publishing program and then used the Expression to cut them and the large frame.  The rolled paper flowers were some that I made and I have an earlier blog post on how to make those.  I really wanted to use pennies as an embellishment to go along with the theme, but didn't want them to directly touch any of the paper, in case they caused damage somewhere down the road.  So I decided the best thing to do, was glue a button under each one to raise them off of the paper.  I painted the chipboard swirls from the ugly grayish color they come in...still didn't quite get the tint on the green paint that I wanted, but I think it works.

Products used:

Paper - Fancy Pants
Mesh Flower - Prima
Thickers - American Crafts
Pen - Marvy
Embroidery Floss - Janlynn
Pearl Accents - Recollections
Lace Trim - Spare Parts
Acrylic Paint - Apple Barrel
Other - Chipboard, Pennies

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