Monday, February 15, 2016

Pink Paislee Valentine's Titles | La La La Love You

This is a personal blog. All editorial content and projects are intellectual property of I do receive compensation and material product from Pink Paislee to develop my craft posts, but all ideas and opinions are my own.

Happy Day (after) Valentines!  I hope you had a great weekend, and that you're looking forward to a great week.  I'm here today, to share a layout that went up on the Pink Paislee Blog last week.  The Design Team created some beautiful layouts, focusing on Valentine's Titles.  I loved working with the C'est La Vie collection on this layout, and the mix of alphas included in the collection.

You can see, that I followed the design of the background paper to add my title.  I mixed the mirror Thickers, chipboard alphas and acetate alphas to create a large title.  I used the angles of the background paper, to "point" my title to the photo.

Once I had the title and photo in place, I used a mix of embellishments on the left hand side of the page.  I like the look of the larger design on the left hand side, fading into a smaller design on the right hand side of the layout.

Now it's your turn to find fun ways to use the C'est La Vie alphas on your next layout!  There are so many possibilities!!

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